Collision Detection and Events

The Character class includes numerous events that allow you to manage different character interactions. For instance, there is OnCollided, which is triggered when the character makes contact with a collider while executing a Move, OnFoundGround, which is triggered when a character detects any ground surface (whether walkable or not-walkable), among others.

When extending a Character class, it is advisable to override its corresponding event trigger method. For example, override the OnCollided method to handle a collision:

public class PlayerCharacter : Character
    protected override void OnCollided(ref CollisionResult collisionResult)
        // Call base method implementation
        base.OnCollided(ref collisionResult);
        // Add your code here...
        Debug.Log($"Collided with {}");

On the other hand, when extending a Character through composition, it's advisable to listen to its exposed events. For example, subscribe to its Collided event to handle a collision:

public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour
    // The controlled Character

    private Character _character;

    protected void OnCollided(ref CollisionResult collisionResult)
        Debug.Log($"Collided with {}");

    private void OnEnable()
        // Subscribe to Character events
        _character.Collided += OnCollided;

    private void OnDisable()
        // Un-subscribe from Character events
        _character.Collided -= OnCollided;

The procedure is the same for its other events.

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