Physics Volume


A PhysicsVolume is a helper component used to define volumes such as water, air, oil, etc., and/or modify a character's behaviors. When a Character is inside this volume, it will react according to the defined settings.


/// <summary>
/// This volume collider (trigger).
/// </summary>

public BoxCollider boxCollider

/// <summary>
/// Determines which PhysicsVolume takes precedence if they overlap (higher value == higher priority).
/// </summary>

public int priority

/// <summary>
/// Determines the amount of friction applied by the volume as Character's using CharacterMovement move through it.
/// The higher this value, the harder it will feel to move through the volume.
/// </summary>

public float friction

/// <summary>
/// Determines the terminal velocity of Character's using CharacterMovement when falling.
/// </summary>

public float maxFallSpeed

/// <summary>
/// Determines if the volume contains a fluid, like water.
/// </summary>

public bool waterVolume

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