Root Motion Controller


The RootMotionController is a utility component designed to enhance root motion support. This component is responsible for calculating and supplying root motion velocity and rotation to the Character class.

The RootMotionController component must be added to the GameObject with your Animator, usually the model of your character.

Public Methods

/// <summary>
/// Flush any accumulated deltas.
/// This prevents accumulation while character is toggling root motion.
/// </summary>

public virtual void FlushAccumulatedDeltas()

/// <summary>
/// Return current root motion rotation and clears accumulated delta rotation.
/// </summary>

public virtual Quaternion ConsumeRootMotionRotation()

/// <summary>
/// Return current root motion velocity and clears accumulated delta positions.
/// </summary>

public virtual Vector3 ConsumeRootMotionVelocity(float deltaTime)

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